Latest News and Offers

Latest News and Offers from Naturopath.Clinic – A High Professional Standard of Naturopathic and Sports Therapy near the Centre of Cardiff

NHS Compliant Phlebotomy Training in BRISTOL

Another successful training day this week.

This might be one of the last events at out long-standing Bristol venue – Filwood Community Centre might close for refurbishment shortly.

We will, however, carry in in south Bristol at a new venue TBC. Watch this space

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Advanced Training course in a couple of months.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! to you all. (Is it too late to be saying that? I never know!)

Anyway we had a great flying start to the New Year, and we hit the ground round to mix at least 2 metaphors.

The first 2 pictures show our first 2 classes of 2025 at Bristol and Swindon. Both a great success with another 30 phlebs qualified and in the job market.

It is a great honour to meet such enthusiastic and energetic people.

The third picture shows a lovely surprise that was presented to me as part of Lead Academy’s awards ceremony and Christmas party recently.

Keep in touch and hope to see you all soon.

Phlebotomy Services Update July 2022

Hello Everybody,

Just a quick update on blood draw clinics Cardiff and Bristol areas with effect from July 2022.   

Clinic appointments are available in Cardiff almost every Wednesday and Friday.

With effect from August 2022, this will be extended to Thursdays.

Blood draw clinics are available in Bristol one day a month, usually a Monday or a Tuesday.

Phlebotomy Mentoring services happen in Bristol concurrently with the blood draw days. See more here

Monday blood draw clinics will be added in Cardiff on a monthly basis as required.  Please ask for details.

Centrifuging is available at all locations as required. 

For my fellow practitioners and laboratories;

please feel free to ask your clients to contact me directly, or get in touch yourself if you have any questions. 

Detox Programme

New for January 2022.

A complete post holiday detox programme,, consisting of:
• An initial consultation – about 60 mins
• A full package of all required supplements
• Ongoing Q&As via email / social media

NutriClean Programme is a complete 14-day package to help clients by reducing their exposure to toxins and supporting clearance pathways.

The NutriClean programme has been upgraded as we are replacing the antioxidant formula Celapro, which will still be available individually, with our new formula Glutathione Plus. Glutathione can play an important role in supporting removal of toxins throughout the body and can be depleted in times of additional toxin exposure.

Since its introduction Glutathione Plus has proved itself to be very popular, so much so that we couldn’t let the NutriClean programme go ahead without including this formula. Glutathione Plus contains 250mg of Setria® glutathione which has been combined with a synergistic blend of milk thistle, curcumin, alpha lipoic acid, green tea and selenium. Together they provide a unique, targeted formulation that may help protect the body from oxidative damage.

Please get in touch for further information or to book.

Mike O’Donoghue

Just Think

“It takes more energy to relax than to react.” – Anxiety,restlessness, irritability, fear of change, OCD behaviors, sensory& chemical hypersensitivities, meltdowns, and bouts ofhyperactivity, and even seizures, are hallmarks of a low energystate.


Naturopathic Health Support – Quick Check Up

Naturopathic Health Support

Quick Check Up

Are you struggling to get a primary care appointment during these strange times?

Do you just want:

  • A quick confidence check
  • A few measurements to see if things are in good working order
  • A quick chat with a friendly professional to discuss any concerns
  • A quick review of your diet and exercise habits to see where we can make some improvements
  • Peace of mind that any red flags will be referred on to an expert

All this is currently on offer from your friendly local Naturopath in Whitchurch Road.

A full 30 minute consultation reduced to just £42.00 pounds until the end of April 2021.

Warmest Regards,

Mike O'Donoghue ND (DipCNM)
Supporting your health and fitness - naturally!
01443 440299

Latest News From Naturopath.Clinic.


In This Week’s Newsletter;  COVID 19 update, New Clinical Services


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Latest News From Naturopath.Clinic.

COVID Update

I hope you are all coping well with these increasingly strange times.  Nothing like this has happened before. 

I just wanted to let you all know that under the guidelines of our professional bodies, we are considered essential health supporting services and are very much open for to support YOU and help you to maintain YOUR health. 

Bookings and enquiries are being accepted through the usual channels.

Usual Services are Still Available of Course

  • All our usual Sports Therapeutics – soft tissue work and other and manual therapies.

  • Exercise Referral Programmes
  • Phlebotomy and
  • Lab Work

No Longer Available – Sorry!

  • Regular Sports Nutrition
  • Metabolic Effect (R):
    • Nutrition and Exercise prescription for:
      • Weight Loss
      • To Support Injury Recovery
      • To support Exercise Performance
  • But see below……………..

Improved Services Available Now

Naturopathy / Naturopathic Medicine

Despite the government-imposed  control measures, Naturopaths’ school (the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)) managed to finally complete the graduation of the 2017 entry. This means that  Mike has finally graduated (with Distinction) as a fully fledged Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist. 

(Mike is now working at CNM helping to supervise the next cohort group in their clinical assessments)

This means that the transitional arrangements are now superseded, Naturopathy is now fully available and the old terms ‘Sports Nutrition’, ‘Metabolic Effect’ and ‘Metabolic’ nutrition are no longer used.  These services are now very much UPGRADED and still available under the auspices of Naturopathy. 

What’s going to be available and what does Naturopathy mean? 

It’s all explained on our website here.


Other Improved Services Available Now

  • Home visits for Exercise Prescription – for those unable to get about in these strange times. Ask us for more information if you like.

Cardiac Rehab Services are Changing

The current government-imposed restrictions on all our lifestyles, jobs, health and therapeutic services have been with us for many months now.

With the closure of leisure and community centres, Cardiac Rehab services (Phase IV) ceased immediately in march and haven’t restarted yet.

It seems unlikely that traditional face-to-face classes will be able to be restart anytime in the foreseeable future.  Therefore a completely new redesigned set of Phase IV services are being developed at the moment. 

Full details will follow as soon as hey are know, but are likely to include:

  • An individual consultation to get you started with a home (or outdoors) exercise programme.
  • A regular phone/ video call to check your progress and advise on improvements.
  • Social Get Togethers  with the rest of the peer group – as conditions allow.

Watch this space!


Don’t forget about our Gift Vouchers.  You can buy any quantity you want and we can send then electronically if you prefer. See our prices page for ideas. 

I hope you are all keeping well and I look forward to seeing you soon.






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Spring 2017 Newsletter

Latest News From Sports Relief and Pamper Relief.


Ab Stretching – The Back Rotators

Had a few clients at the  clinic lately presenting wit this one.  A pain or soreness in the sides of the Abs as a result of a strain in the rotator muscles, the Obliques or even the QL.

Usually a result of an awkward loaded reach sch as bending to pick up a child – or even picking up a baby whilst lying down.

Here’s a gentle stretch that we do for it.  The video#’s not my work, but the site has done such a good job that I thought I’d link you across to it!

You may need to ease up on the strenuous training for a while too and/or have short course of massage.

Essential Oils – Peppermint

In sports therapy we are not quite as relaxing as they are over in the Aromatherapy department.  But we do appreciate the benefits of essential oils.  Mike uses a special blend of oils that produce a muscle relaxing, pain reducing, restorative effect.

Following on from last episode’s article on AllSpice, another ingredient in Mike’s ‘secret’ pain relieving combination is Peppermint.

Peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation and has a calming effect on the body, which can relieve sore muscles when used topically.  Clinically speaking, peppermint oil is recommended for its anti-nausea benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon because of its ability to reduce muscle spasms.

Not only is peppermint one of the oldest European herbs used for medicinal purposes, other historical accounts date its use to ancient Chinese and Japanese folk medicine. It’s also mentioned in Greek mythology the nymph Mentha was transformed into an herb by Pluto who had fallen in love with her and wanted people to appreciate her for years to come.

The health benefits of peppermint oil as well as peppermint oil uses have been documented back to 1,000 BC and have been found in several Egyptian pyramids.

In future letters I will go through the others contents in Mike’s Sports Therapy Oil.

Valentine’s Day is Coming – Gift Ideas!

Why not treat your loved one, or both of you, to an invigorating deep tissue massage to help with all that new fitness that the new year is bringing you?

Don’t forget about our Gift Vouchers.  You can buy any quantity you want and we can send then electronically if you prefer. See our prices page for ideas.

Special Offers.

Also check out the Special Offers page here.

December News and Offers

In This Week’s Newsletter;

Fitness Tip, Stretching, Christmas Is Coming – Gift Ideas!  Special Offers.

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Latest News From Sports Relief and Pamper Relief.


Are You Stretching Properly?

Chances are whatever sport or fitness activity you prefer, your legs get plenty of use and abuse.  I find in the clinic that most of use tend to be a little tight and sore in the quads.

So I thought I’d go through a few of the finer points of stretching them out after a work out.  In fact, I’ve cheated and given you a link to a very well-informed video I found.

Check It Out Here

Christmas Is Coming – Gift Ideas!

Don’t forget about our Gift Vouchers.  You can buy any quantity you want and we can send then electronically if you prefer. See our prices page for ideas.

Special Offers.

Also check out the Special Offers page here.