Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 21 May 2018

Who am I?

Mr Mike O’Donoghue, the proprietor of Naturopath.Clinic.

Record Keeping

After an initial paper form, all records will be kept electronically. The therapist will write up all treatments, this may include relevant information given verbally by the patient.

Paper Records

Will be treated securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. Paper records will be kept for no longer than 6 months, and destroyed after all data is transferred to electronic systems.

Electronic Records

No data is held locally. We use a variety of suppliers to help us store data securely. These are:

All of these have strict Privacy Policies that meet with our requirements.

Data Usage

What We Hold

Why We Need It

Contact Details. Appointment management, Follow-up advice, Newsletters (optional).
Medical history, medication, allergies. To ensure your safety.
Presentations, treatment plans, outcomes. To facilitate effective treatments.

Data Lifespan

Even after your treatments have ended, records will be held for a minimum length of time as dictated by our insurers. This is currently 7 years for adults and 7 years post age 18 for minors.