Latest News From Naturopath.Clinic.


In This Week’s Newsletter;  COVID 19 update, New Clinical Services


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Latest News From Naturopath.Clinic.

COVID Update

I hope you are all coping well with these increasingly strange times.  Nothing like this has happened before. 

I just wanted to let you all know that under the guidelines of our professional bodies, we are considered essential health supporting services and are very much open for to support YOU and help you to maintain YOUR health. 

Bookings and enquiries are being accepted through the usual channels.

Usual Services are Still Available of Course

  • All our usual Sports Therapeutics – soft tissue work and other and manual therapies.

  • Exercise Referral Programmes
  • Phlebotomy and
  • Lab Work

No Longer Available – Sorry!

  • Regular Sports Nutrition
  • Metabolic Effect (R):
    • Nutrition and Exercise prescription for:
      • Weight Loss
      • To Support Injury Recovery
      • To support Exercise Performance
  • But see below……………..

Improved Services Available Now

Naturopathy / Naturopathic Medicine

Despite the government-imposed  control measures, Naturopaths’ school (the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)) managed to finally complete the graduation of the 2017 entry. This means that  Mike has finally graduated (with Distinction) as a fully fledged Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist. 

(Mike is now working at CNM helping to supervise the next cohort group in their clinical assessments)

This means that the transitional arrangements are now superseded, Naturopathy is now fully available and the old terms ‘Sports Nutrition’, ‘Metabolic Effect’ and ‘Metabolic’ nutrition are no longer used.  These services are now very much UPGRADED and still available under the auspices of Naturopathy. 

What’s going to be available and what does Naturopathy mean? 

It’s all explained on our website here.


Other Improved Services Available Now

  • Home visits for Exercise Prescription – for those unable to get about in these strange times. Ask us for more information if you like.

Cardiac Rehab Services are Changing

The current government-imposed restrictions on all our lifestyles, jobs, health and therapeutic services have been with us for many months now.

With the closure of leisure and community centres, Cardiac Rehab services (Phase IV) ceased immediately in march and haven’t restarted yet.

It seems unlikely that traditional face-to-face classes will be able to be restart anytime in the foreseeable future.  Therefore a completely new redesigned set of Phase IV services are being developed at the moment. 

Full details will follow as soon as hey are know, but are likely to include:

  • An individual consultation to get you started with a home (or outdoors) exercise programme.
  • A regular phone/ video call to check your progress and advise on improvements.
  • Social Get Togethers  with the rest of the peer group – as conditions allow.

Watch this space!


Don’t forget about our Gift Vouchers.  You can buy any quantity you want and we can send then electronically if you prefer. See our prices page for ideas. 

I hope you are all keeping well and I look forward to seeing you soon.






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